Writing on software design, supply chain, and a maybe bit more.

All of my long-form thoughts about what I'm learning about and reflections on my professional journey.

C++20 and Apple Silicon

It's been a little over 8 years since I tried to learn C++. With the newest edition of Programming: Principles and Practice 3rd Ed. recently released, I figured it'd be a good time to learn again. Trying to run C++20 and up on my Apple Silicon MacBook has proven to be too challenging, though.

Securing Email Communications

This post will cover the importance of email security and provide a guide on setting up SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) for email authentication and protection.

Email Management

In this post, I'll explore my strategies for tackling email overload, from efficient handling of internal and external communications to fostering a culture of responsive and organized email practices.

Leaping Back into Python

I'm jumping back into Python and Django, reflecting on the challenges and triumphs of reconnecting with these powerful tools. From tackling data retrieval projects in Navision to learning about Django's security features, this post explores my continuous quest to deepen my programming skills and create accessible tech solutions.

The Convergence of Supply Chain Management and Technology

This week we will delve into the vital role of technology in revolutionizing supply chain management at ProSupps. From implementing ERP systems to exploring advanced data analytics and AI, we uncover how these innovations enhance efficiency and agility, enabling us to navigate the complexities of modern supply chains with greater precision and foresight.

Diving into Python: Expanding My Coding Horizons

Welcome back to my blog series! Today, I'm excited to share my journey into Python - a step toward broadening my skillset, embracing automation, and indulging in the fun of learning something new.

November 2023 Monthly Reflection

In this month's reflections, it's exciting to take a step back and appreciate the extent of my journey in technology. From self-taught beginnings to navigating complex systems in web development and supply chain management, it's been a remarkable path of growth and learning. Starting this blog has added a fun and insightful dimension to this journey, since I've never takent the time to reflect on how far I've come.

Exploring the Dynamics of ERP Systems in Business Optimization

Hello once again to my tech enthusiasts! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your friends and family! This week, we dive into my experiences with Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365), exploring how this versatile tool has reshaped the landscape of enterprise resource planning and business management.

Coming Soon

Launching Soon: My portfolio. Buckle up for future developments.